Embody Your Expression for Authentic Connection


We’re here together. Let’s do it better.

What would any of this wondrous life matter, if experienced alone and out of connection?
Imagine reaching your life peaks and looking around with no one to share the good news with. Imagine sinking to your life valleys with no one to confide in.

We’re here together, and yet for many of us, it doesn’t always feel that way.

I create experiences that empower you to transform your relationships to be more deeply satisfying and meaningful—starting with the relationship you have with yourself.

Each offering is a craft in Relational Alchemy–combining embodiment exercises and Authentic Relating practices to break old patterns, welcome more parts of the self, courageously embrace vulnerability, expand empathy, increase emotional agility, attune self-awareness, and integrate our shadows.

May we learn to “be with” each other better, and feel more wholeness and belonging—together.




We AR Queer: Authentic Relating for LGBTQ+ folks | April 25, 7-9:30pm (Marmalade Studios, DTLA)

ARCI Retreat - Soma Edition: Authentic Relating meets Contact Improv in the Redwoods | May 14-19 (Redwoods in Boulder Creek, CA)

Authentic Relating Level 1 Training (ART International) | Wednesdays from June 19 - July 24, 5-8pm PT (ONLINE)

Embodied Authentic Relating Level 1 Training (ART International) | July 13+14, 10-7:30pm (Santa Monica, CA)


“Ash is a powerful, badass facilitator. Creating powerful spaces for recognition and transformation. Hands down a person I want to learn everything I can from.”


Reva | CEO, Canada
